Healing Services

Energy Healing Services
Harmonyum Healing
$250.00 USD
HTR (Harmonyum Trauma Release)
$297.00 USD
Healing through the fourth dimension
$197.00 USD
Distant Healing
$170.00 USD
Healing for Pets
$75.00 USD
Home Energy Clearing
$575.00 USD - $700.00 USD
Private Sound Therapy
$72.00 USD - $125.00 USD
Absent and Distance Healing
Pay What Feels Right
"While intelligence and activity are necessary in order to grow and accomplish the work of man, love is the force that precedes, and thus supports, intelligence and activity. When this love energy flows through our bodies properly, we experience happiness and health."
To book a treatment please call 310-254-5136 or email connect@bodhaya.com.