Different Time Of Meditation and Meaning

Different Time Of Meditation and Meaning

Did you know that the duration of your meditation practice can have different effects on your mind and body?


Here are some interesting insights into the various time intervals and their benefits:


 3 minutes: Just a short 3-minute meditation can improve your circulation and enhance your electromagnetic fields. It's a quick and effective way to boost your overall well-being.


11 minutes: Taking it up a notch, meditating for 11 minutes can have a positive impact on your pituitary gland and nervous system. This helps in balancing your hormones and promoting a healthier mind-body connection.


 22 minutes: If you're looking to enhance your intellect and intuition, try meditating for 22 minutes. This duration is known to improve the three intelligences: protective, projective, and intuitive. Unlock your hidden potential!


 31 minutes: Dive into a deeper state of meditation with 31 minutes of practice. This duration not only affects your entire mind but also activates the 5th element within you, creating a beautiful aura around you.


37.5 minutes: Experience the power of sound and merge with Naam through a 37.5-minute meditation session. This practice allows you to connect with the divine vibration and find inner harmony.


 62 minutes: For those seeking to enhance their brain function, a 62-minute meditation session is ideal. This duration works on the grey matter of the brain, improving cognitive abilities and promoting clarity of thought.


 What are the Health Benefits? 


Meditation offers a plethora of health benefits that can transform your life.

Here are just a few:


  •  Prevent Anti-aging: By reducing stress and promoting inner peace, meditation can slow down the aging process and help you maintain a youthful glow.


  •  Reduces stress: Take a break from the chaos of daily life and find solace in meditation. It's a proven method for reducing stress levels and finding inner calm.


  •  Improves Memory: Regular meditation practice enhances memory and cognitive function, allowing you to retain information more effectively.


  • Lower blood pressure: Studies have shown that meditation can help lower blood pressure, promoting better cardiovascular health.


  •  Stronger Immune System: Boost your immune system through meditation. It helps in reducing inflammation and strengthening your body's natural defense mechanisms.


  •  Deeper state of awareness: As you practice meditation, your brain wave patterns slow down, allowing you to remain aware and focused even in a state of deep relaxation.


  •  Heightened awareness: Meditation leads to a reduction in mental activity, enabling you to become more aware of everything happening around you. It's a gateway to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world.


Take a step towards a healthier, calmer, and more aware version of yourself through the power of meditation. Start with a few minutes a day and witness the incredible benefits unfold!


Join me for an enlightening journey of Neuro Activation Advanced Meditation (NAAM) and unlock your full potential.

Discover the power within you and experience profound transformation. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your mind, body, and soul.

Reserve your spot now and embark on a path of inner growth and harmony!

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