Today is an exceptional day! Why?
02:02:2020 is a very unusual Palindrome Day. Today's date can be read the same forward and backward and all around the world the same way. The beauty of this very special date is that it carries magic vibrations of creation within it.
By celia de Flers
Today is an exceptional day! Why?
02:02:2020 is a very unusual Palindrome Day. Today's date can be read the same forward and backward and all around the world the same way. The beauty of this very special date is that it carries magic vibrations of creation within it, it encapsulate a very unique harmonic resonance.
This date is made up of only two digits, zero (0) and two (2) which each one has its own vibrations:
Number 2 resonates with the vibrations and attributes that relates to partnerships and relationships, intuition and insight, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
Number 0 carries the energies of the "God" force and Universal Energies, and strengthen the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. 0 resonates with the beginning point, the beginning of a spiritual journey, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow.
Number 2020 vibrations encourages you to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful perspective in all areas of your life, yet stand strong in your personal convictions and act accordingly. The Energy of 2020 can turn your most ambitious of dreams into reality.
Trust the Universe and surrender as wonderful things are soon to be revealed in your life. You need to allow yourself to see the bigger picture and work with the details necessary to complete that picture in order to bring everything to fruition. Be diplomatic, co-operative and loving when relating to others. Today is a powerful day to plan and envision the future not only for your own self and family but for all humanity!
I suggest to anyone to take a few minutes to write down on a notebook or a piece of paper everything that you wish to attract into your life, not achieve but attract. By doing so, you are changing your own vibration to reflect what you wish to attract to you. Because 0202 2020 is a mirror image date, you are intuitively going to feel the desire to review your own self, and frankly see what needs changing in your own vibration, your energy, the way that you view your world, yourself and all that is around you. The way that you deal with day to day situations and adjust your energy according to what you want to see manifest into your reality. Be Imaginative and create the reality that you wish to experience.
This exceptionally rare date is not going to happen again soon, you are going to wait 1000 years from now to experience another Palindrome 0303 3030.
All this to let you know that february 2, 2020 is a gateway that open not only to give you a peek of the various pathways available to you, but to remain connected to the divinity within yourself by keeping your head on your shoulders to make sure that you are going to make the right decision and choose the right path to your future wisely, depending solely upon your very own inner knowing of each and every outcome that you shall clearly see before you as you examine each path that you envision for yourself.