Do you have kids or grandkids ages 6-10? This class is for them!
This Fun Class is guided by Diana Osberg and Celia de Flers to help kids learn Mindfulness techniques to promote positive thoughts and behavior, build self-confidence, balance emotions, increase awareness, reduce bullying, strengthen focus and develop compassion and respect for themselves and others.
Classes include breathing, chanting, meditation, movement, mindfulness, sound therapy, and a story reading that encourages empathy, compassion, awakening inner vision, happiness and gratitude. For age 6 to 10.
February 1st, the theme of the Class is going to be focus on "Empathy"
March 7th, the theme of the Class is going to be on "Mindfulness"
April 4th, the Theme of the Class is going to be on "Yoga"
May 2nd, the Theme of the Class is going to be on "Compassion"
For ages 6 to 10
Advance registration required
Please click the link below: